MTC begins with activities focused on blending, segmenting, and analyzing sounds. Students practice breaking words into individual phonemes and combining isolated sounds into complete words. Through exercises in encoding, decoding, and writing, the reversible nature of the code becomes clear.

A great reading program must:

• Teach underlying skills

• Use a sound-to-code basis

• Handle the alternative spelling of sounds and the code overlap

Your student is a candidate if:

  • below grade level in reading

  • struggle with identifying sounds, words, and spelling

  • slow working memory

  • short attention span

  • difficult with reading fluidity (reading smoothly)

How it works

MTC uses a set of techniques that result in rapid mastery and automation of reading and spelling, as seen below.

Immediate Feedback

Using one-on-one training allows for immediate correction of errors and encouragement of correct responses.


Drills are used that require a student’s full attention which brings quicker results since more time is spent on a singular task.


The presentation of information from simple to complex in small steps results in quick and easy mastery.


Activities are used that challenge or stretch the student to improve.


Acquiring automation and the mastery of skills to a subconscious level by adding task upon task, concurrently.